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The United States of Britain

todayJuly 20, 2022 2

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While America tries to make itself great again, Great Britain is always “great” by default…or is it?


Sean is forever skeptical of how the mainstream media frames international affairs to suit their own agenda, so on Coup Save America Episode #9 he interviews Tim Heale, a British political commentator about how the United Kingdom is both very different and quite similar to the United States. Tim explains the history behind the UK’s entry into the European Union, then gives his opinion on why an unprecedented number of British voters decided to leave the EU in the great Brexit exit. He gives us an overview of how Parliament works, and our host encounters confusion with the terms “public” and “private” and just what they mean in Britain. 

Other topics include Britain’s covid response, how the war in Ukraine and other wars throughout history have affected the British economy, and how governments instill fear into the population for financial and political gain. As Always, Coup Save America is very interested in the health care systems of other progressive nations, so Tim shares with Sean his opinion that bureaucracy in the National Health Service makes Britain’s healthcare much more costly than people realize. To hear more from Tim, visit his YouTube channel for the Thirsty Thursday Live Stream and his Ordinary People’s Extraordinary Stories Podcast.

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