The Red Review

The Red Review Presents the Municipal Socialist Alliance — Wali Abro

todayOctober 10, 2022 5

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All the people who work on The Red Review live and work on stolen Indigenous lands across Turtle Island. There can be no reconciliation without restitution, which includes Land Back, RCMP off Indigenous land, and seizing the assets of the major resource corporations and returning them to the commons.

Join us this month for a new series, where Emily and Daniel introduce listeners to the Municipal Socialist Alliance (MSA) candidates running for mayor, city councillor, and school board trustee throughout Ontario!

Up next is Wali Abro, the MSA candidate for city councillor in Toronto-Danforth Ward 14.

Candidate Links:
Wali Abro Website
Wali Abro Twitter
Wali Abro Instagram

Community Organizations:
Toronto BDS Network

Articles and Videos:
Socialists in the October Municipal Elections | with VOTE Socialist and Municipal Socialist Alliance

Wali’s Bio:
Wali became a Canadian citizen last winter, having immigrated from Pakistan nearly 10 years ago. He subscribed to the clichéd image of Canada: that it was fair, compassionate, and built in partnership with the Indigenous peoples. That image was quickly shattered.

Now, he’s fighting for the Canada that was promised. Wali has long been an advocate for electoral reform, holistic social supports, and de-colonization. He is an active community volunteer, keeps close to the grassroots, and is a passionate activist for Indigenous rights from Turtle Island to Palestine.

He is taking his fight forward by running, as part of the Municipal Socialist Alliance team, to be Councillor for Ward 14 – Toronto-Danforth on a platform that features immediate housing for people experiencing homelessness or precarious housing; improved public safety by significantly de-funding the police and investing in community well-being; and rebuilding Toronto’s infrastructure with climate change and population growth in mind.

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