All the people who work on The Red Review live and work on stolen Indigenous lands across Turtle Island. There can be no reconciliation without restitution, which includes Land Back, RCMP off Indigenous land, and seizing the assets of the major resource corporations and returning them to the commons.
Join us this month for a new series, where Emily and Daniel introduce listeners to the Municipal Socialist Alliance (MSA) candidates running for mayor, city councillor, and school board trustee throughout Ontario!
Up first is Adam Golding, the MSA candidate for city councillor in Toronto Ward 11 University-Rosedale.
Candidate Links:
Adam Golding Substack
Community Organizations:
Movement Defence Committee
Community Justice Collective
Seeds of Hope
Videos and Articles:
This Time in History — 2022 Virtual Toronto Mayoral Debate
Adam’s Bio:
Adam Golding was born in Toronto, raised in Barrie, Ontario and has lived in University-Rosedale for 20 years where he is currently the MSA candidate in Ward 11. Adam teaches piano from his home in Kensington Market — you may have seen the posters for “Anarchist Piano Lessons”. At U of Toronto, he studied Philosophy, Mathematics, Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, Psychology and Computer Science, and got heavily involved in student politics. Adam focused on municipal politics when Mayor John Tory sued Khaleel Seivwright for erecting tiny shelters to save lives amid a state of emergency that Tory himself declared. He witnessed mass evictions and police violence at encampments last summer, where he was physically harmed and arrested along with dozens of others. That’s when TorCH: The Toronto Coalition for Housing, was formed. Following these events, Adam Golding worked on voter ID and fundraising for NDP campaigns, and joined the Socialist Alliance launched by leftists who are fed up with the status-quo AND fed up with the status-quo opposition to the status-quo.