The Peace On Drugs

Sunday’s Psychedelic Spirit- I think, therefore I am what I think

todayJanuary 30, 2022 8

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How do you take care of your language system? Or have you ever considered it?  That voice that talks constantly inside your head, directing you to say, do, feel, and act.  The voice that can give you anxiety by reminding you of a fear or past mistake.  Or signal your body to release adrenaline when you are hiking and it asks if there are bears in these woods?  Or trigger happiness and a release of serotonin when it reminds you of an upcoming date with a person you admire- anxiety when it asks what you do if they don’t show.  How can we nourish this mental system and train it to be a positive influence on us and those around us?  Let’s talk about it.  

The Peace On Drugs

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