How Did We Miss That?

#104: Taibbi SMEARED by Google AI? US Journalists ARRESTED! Assange Extradition Appeal | Gaza | #HDWMT 104

todayMarch 12, 2024 4

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Originally recorded during the 3/10/24 Episode of How Did We Miss That?, found here: 

Journalism Under Assault in the US

Matt Taibbi Proves Google Gemini AI is a Narrative Manager

Normal Island News Says: Free Julian Assange! Joe Lauria’s Day X Notes

Max B & The Grayzone Expose Frank Luntz Providing Narrative Talking Points for Israel

How Did We Miss That? features articles written by independent journalists who expose corruption & worker exploitation, report on the worker organizing movement & routinely challenge establishment narratives & talking points.

Watch new episodes LIVE Sunday nights at 10pm ET / 7pm PT on YouTube, ROKFIN, Rumble, Twitch, Facebook, Twitter & Telegram. A podcast version is published within a couple of days to Spotify, Apple, iHeart, Amazon + most other major platforms


⭐ Co-Host, Producer, Stream & Podcast Engineer, Clip Editor: Indie Left

⭐ Co-Host, Producer & Technical Director: Reef Breland

⭐ Thumbnails & Outro: Bigmadcrab

⭐ Intro: Joe @STFUshitlib3 & Indie Left

⭐ Music: Jesse Jett

Wherever you are, Indie is!

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How Did We Miss That?

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