How Did We Miss That?

Ukraine | IPCC, Climate & Water | Monstrous Domestic Policies Continue | How Did We Miss That Ep 27

todayMarch 8, 2022 2

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Originally recorded during the 3/6/22 Episode of How Did We Miss That?, found here:

  1. Story 1- Germany Arming Itself: As Germany Increases Its Military Budget, Weapons Companies’ Stocks Rise by 85%: La Izquierda Diaria Argentina via Left Voice
  2. Story 2 – RT America Shuts Down: RIP to Redacted Tonight & RT America – And We Are All Poorer for It: Independent Left News, Indie News Network
  3. Story 3 – WTF is with the NED?: If the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) Is Subverting Democracy—Why Aren’t Some of the Left Media Calling It Out?: Jeremy Kuzmarov, Covert Action Magazine
  4. Story 4- IPCC, Climate & Water: IPCC Report: The Impacts of Global Warming Are Faster and More Severe Than Expected: Daniel Tanuro, Left Voice | – A 50-Year Debate: Defining “Waters of the U.S”: Erin Brockovich & Suzanne Boothby, The Brockovich Report
  5. Story 5- Monstrous Domestic Policies Continue: Biden’s Immigration “Fix” Involves Jailing Migrants in Their Homes: John Knefel, Truthout | Investigation Shows Police Are Still Secretly Surveilling Minnesota Activists: Sharon Zhang, Truthout
  6. Story 6- Yay for Workers!: New York City REI Workers Win A Union!: Matt Smith, Socialist Alternative How Starbucks Workers Won in Mesa: Saurav Sarkar, Labor Notes

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