How Did We Miss That?

Episode 28 – IndependentLeft dot news Daily Headlines – Wednesday, December 30th

todayDecember 31, 2020 5

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Welcome to the IndependentLeft.News Daily Headlines podcast for Wednesday, December 30 2020. 
Everyone go to and fill out the petition telling progressives in the House to force a Floor Vote for Medicare for All or they won’t vote for Nancy Pelosi to be speaker on January 3. Better yet, they should use that leverage to #ReplacePelosi, which gets us that vote and much more with a new Speaker more open to progressive policies. #ForcingAVote for Medicare for All is a good start, but getting Pelosi out as Speaker opens up all kinds of possibilities.
Up & coming Political Streamer Jackson Hinkle, in support of Jimmy Dore’s effort to Force the Vote, is organizing a sit-in in front of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Capitol office in Washington, DC on January 3rd & 4th. Visit @jacksonhinklle on Twitter for more info, or sign up to attend using the link below..
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How Did We Miss That?

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