How Did We Miss That?

#51: Climate Polluters MUST PAY | Independent Unions | Twitter Whistleblower Linked to Omidyar? | Portland, Maine Campaign Finance | How Did We Miss That

todaySeptember 19, 2022 4

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Originally recorded during the 9/18/22 Episode of How Did We Miss That?, found here:

Story 1- The Biggest Climate Polluters Must Pay Up!

Story 2- A Path Forward for Independent Unions?

Story 3- Twitter Whistleblower Linked to Pierre Omidyar

Story 4- Public Campaign Financing in Portland, Maine?

All links found at our Substack:

How Did We Miss That? Streams LIVE Sunday nights at 10pm ET / 7pm PT on YouTube, ROKFIN, Rumble, Twitch, Facebook, Twitter, Odysee & Telegram, reviewing a few BIG stories we haven’t seen covered much in leftist independent media. 

How Did We Miss That?

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